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Calculates values based on other fields using formulas
Sum | Sum together the numbers. Equivalent to number1 + number2 + ... | |
Average | Returns the average of the numbers | |
Max | Returns the largest of the given numbers. | |
Min | Returns the minimum value among the numbers | |
Round | Rounds the value to the number of decimal places given by "precision." (Specifically, ROUND will round to the nearest integer at the specified precision, with ties broken by rounding half up toward positive infinity.) | |
Round Up | Rounds the value to the number of decimal places given by "precision," always rounding up, i.e., away from zero. (You must give a value for the precision or the function will not work.) | |
Round Down | Rounds the value to the number of decimal places given by "precision," always rounding down, i.e., toward zero. (You must give a value for the precision or the function will not work.) | |
Ceiling | Returns the nearest integer multiple of significance that is greater than or equal to the value. If no significance is provided, a significance of 1 is assumed. | |
Floor | Returns the nearest integer multiple of significance that is less than or equal to the value. If no significance is provided, a significance of 1 is assumed. | |
Even | Returns the nearest even number in the direction of increasing absolute value. 【value】is the number to round to even. 【Increasing absolute value】means it returns a value that is further from 0 (zero)." | |
Odd | Returns the nearest odd number in the direction of increasing absolute value. 【value】is the number to round to odd. 【Increasing absolute value】means it returns a value that is further from 0 (zero)." | |
Int | Rounds a number down to the nearest integer. 【value】is the value to round down. 【Rounds down】means it returns a value that is less than or equal to the original number." | |
Abs | Description Returns the absolute value of a number. Parameter explanation value: is the number to take the absolute value of. Absolute value: The absolute value of a positive number is itself, and the absolute value of a negative number is the number without the negative sign." | |
Sqrt | Returns the square root of a number. 【value】is the number to find the square root of. If the number is negative, SQRT returns NaN. | |
Mod | Returns the remainder of a division between two numbers. 【value】is the dividend. 【divisor】is the divisor. The sign of the result is the same as the sign of the divisor. | |
Power | Returns the power of a specified base. That is, the base raised to the power of the exponent. 【base】is the base number. 【power】is the exponent. | |
Exp | Returns e raised to the power of a specified number. 【e】is the natural number, approximately 2.718282. 【power】is the exponent, that is, the power to which e is raised. | |
Log | Returns the logarithm of a number with a specified base. 【number】is the number to calculate the logarithm of. 【base】is the base of the logarithm. If not specified, the default base is 10. | |
Value | Converts a text string to a number. 【text】is the text value to convert. This function can extract numbers from within a text string. | |
Concatenate | Concatenates multiple text values into a single text value (equivalent to &). 【text1..】are the multiple values to concatenate, which can be text, numbers, date parameters, or column references. Enclose the text values you want to concatenate in double quotes, except for numbers and column references. Special case: If you want to concatenate double quotes, you need to use a backslash (\) as an escape character. | |
Find | Finds the position of a specific text within content for the first time. 【stringToFind】is the specific text to find. 【whereToSearch】specifies the content to search within. You can input text parameters or reference fields. 【startFromPosition】optional, specifies the position to start searching from (using a number to indicate the character position). This function can quickly find the position of specific text within a large content. If it returns the number 3, it means the text appears at the 3rd character of the content. If no matching text is found, the result will be 0. It is similar to SEARCH(), but when no match is found, SEARCH() returns an empty value instead of 0. | |
Search | Searches for the position of specific text within content for the first time. 【stringToFind】is the specific text to search for. 【whereToSearch】specifies the content to search within. You can input text parameters or reference fields. 【startFromPosition】optional, specifies the position to start searching from (using a number to indicate the character position). This function can quickly search for the position of specific text within a large content. If it returns the number 3, it means the text appears at the 3rd character of the content. If no matching text is found, the result will be empty. It is similar to FIND(), but when no match is found, FIND() returns 0 instead of an empty value. | |
Mid | Extracts a fixed-length text from a specific position within content. 【string】is the content you input, which contains the text to be extracted. The content can be input text or referenced field data. 【whereToSearch】is the position you specify to extract the text from, using a number to indicate the character position. For example, the number "3" means to extract from the 3rd character of the content. 【count】is the length of the text to extract, using a number to indicate. For example, the number "2" means to extract 2 characters from the specified position. | |
Replace | Replaces a segment of text at a specific position within content with new text. 【string】is the content you input, which contains the text to be replaced. The content can be input text or referenced field data. 【start_character】is the position you specify to start replacing the text, using a number to indicate. For example, the number "3" means to start replacing from the 3rd character of the content. 【number_of_characters】is the number of characters you specify to replace, using a number to indicate. For example, the number "2" means to replace 2 characters from the specified position. 【replacement】is the new text to replace the original text. (If you want to replace all occurrences of the original text within the content with new text, please refer to SUBSTITUTE.) | |
Substitute | Replaces occurrences of a specified text within content with new text. 【string】is the content you input, which contains the text to be replaced. The content can be input text or referenced field data. 【old_text】is the text you want to replace. 【new_text】is the new text to replace the old text. 【instance_num】optional, specifies which occurrence of the old text to replace. If omitted, all occurrences are replaced. | |
Len | Counts the number of characters in a text. 【string】is the text to calculate the length of; punctuation marks, spaces, etc. also count as one character. | |
Left | Extracts a given number of characters from the start of a text string. 【string】is the text string from which characters are extracted. 【howMany】is the number of characters to extract, represented as a number. For example, "4" means extracting 4 characters from left to right. | |
Right | Extracts a given number of characters from the end of a text string. 【string】is the text string from which characters are extracted. 【howMany】is the number of characters to extract, represented as a number. For example, "5" means extracting 5 characters from right to left. | |
Lower | Converts all uppercase characters in a text string to lowercase. 【string】is the text string to be converted. | |
Upper | Converts all lowercase characters in a text string to uppercase. 【string】is the text string to be converted. | |
Rept | Repeats a text string a given number of times. 【string】is the text string to be repeated. 【number】is the number of times to repeat the text string, represented as a number. For example, "2" means repeating the text string 2 times. | |
T | Returns the text if the input value is text; otherwise, returns an empty value. 【value】is the value to be checked if it is text. For example, if the input value references a field of type number or date, it will return an empty value. | |
Trim | Removes spaces from the start and end of a text string. 【value】is the text string to be processed. | |
Encode URL Component | Encodes a text string as a URL component. 【component_string】is the text string to be encoded. The following characters are not encoded: - _ . ~ For example, copying the output value of the first example into the browser address bar is equivalent to searching for "apple" on Google. | |
If | Checks whether a condition is met, returns one value if true and another value if false. 【logical】is the logical condition, an expression that evaluates to true or false. 【value1】is the value returned if the logical condition is true. 【value2】is the value returned if the logical condition is false. IF supports nested usage and can be used to check if a cell is blank/empty. | |
Switch | This function is a multi-branch selection function. It consists of an expression and multiple branches with return values. If the expression equals a branch value, the function outputs the corresponding return value. 【expression】is the expression whose result will be matched against each branch. 【pattern】is the branch, each representing a possible result of the expression. Each branch has a corresponding return value. 【result】is the return value. If the result of the expression matches a branch, the corresponding return value is output. 【default】is the default value. If the result does not match any branch, the function outputs the default value. If the default value is not provided, it returns an empty value. For example, in the first example, {countries} references a column of data, and its output value could be thousands of country names. It is the expression in this function. "China" and "Chinese" are a branch and return value, respectively, indicating that if the output value of {countries} is "China", it returns "Chinese". "General English" is the default value, indicating that if the output value of {countries} does not match any branch, it returns "General English". | |
True | 【Introduction】 Returns the logical value true. 【Parameter Description】 This function does not require any parameters. This function can determine whether a checkbox field is "checked", as shown in Example 1; This function can be used with FALSE() to output boolean values of true and false, as shown in Example 2. | |
False | Returns the logical value false. Can determine whether a checkbox field is "unchecked", as shown in Example 1; Can be used with TRUE() to output boolean values of true and false, as shown in Example 2; | |
And | Returns true if all arguments are true; otherwise, returns false. 【logical】is a logical argument, which can be a logical value, array, or field reference. | |
Or | Returns true if any argument is true; otherwise, returns false. 【logical】is a logical argument, which can be a logical value, array, or field reference. | |
Xor | Returns true if an odd number of arguments are true, otherwise returns false. 【logical】is the logical parameter, which can be a logical value, array, or referenced field. | |
Blank | Returns a blank value. Can be used to check if a cell is blank, see example one; Can be used to fill a cell with a blank value, see example two; | |
Error | Displays an error message and reason in the cell. You can input a text explanation of the error reason within the function, such as "Statistical error" in the example. | |
Is Error | Checks if a formula results in an error, returns true if it does. 【expr】is the value to be checked. The value can be a formula of types such as arithmetic operations, logical judgments, etc. | |
Not | Reverses the logical value of its argument. 【boolean】is the boolean parameter, meaning your input value must be a logical judgment with only true and false outputs, such as comparing which of two values is greater. When the logical judgment of your parameter is true, the function returns false; When the logical judgment of your parameter is false, the function returns true; For example one: 2>3 outputs false, but after reversal, the function outputs true. For example two: NOT({Age} > 18) after the NOT function reversal, it is equivalent to judging {Age} ≤ 18 | |
Today | Returns today's date (year, month, day), but does not include hours, minutes, and seconds (default is 00:00:00). If you want to include hours, minutes, and seconds, use the NOW function. You can directly use this function to return the year, month, and day, see example one; You can also use it with functions like DATEADD or DATETIME_DIFF, such as subtracting the current time from {Deadline} to display the project's countdown, see example two. Note: The result returned by this function will only update when the formula is recalculated or the database is refreshed. | |
Now | Returns today's date and time, accurate to the second. You can directly use this function to return the year, month, and day, see example one; You can also use it with functions like DATEADD or DATETIME_DIFF, such as subtracting the current time from {Deadline} to display the project's countdown, see example two. Note: The result returned by this function will only update when the formula is recalculated or the database is refreshed. | |
To Now | Returns the difference between the current date and the specified date (absolute value). 【date】is the specified date, i.e., the specified date minus the current date, calculating the number of days (custom time unit) between the two dates, absolute value. 【units】is the time unit, i.e., the unit for calculating the difference between the specified date and the current date, such as calculating by "days" or converting to "years". Time units include the following symbols, both formats can be used: "Unit Description" → "Abbreviation" Milliseconds: "milliseconds" → "ms" Seconds: "seconds" → "s" Minutes: "minutes" → "m" Hours: "hours" → "h" Days: "days" → "d" Weeks: "weeks" → "w" Months: "months" → "M" Quarters: "quarters" → "Q" Years: "years" → "y" Click the link below to view all time units. | |
From Now | Returns the difference between the current date and the specified date (absolute value). 【date】is the specified date, i.e., the specified date minus the current date, calculating the number of days (custom time unit) between the two dates, absolute value. 【units】is the time unit, i.e., the unit for calculating the difference between the specified date and the current date, such as calculating by "days" or converting to "years". Time units include the following symbols, both formats can be used: "Unit Description" → "Abbreviation" Milliseconds: "milliseconds" → "ms" Seconds: "seconds" → "s" Minutes: "minutes" → "m" Hours: "hours" → "h" Days: "days" → "d" Weeks: "weeks" → "w" Months: "months" → "M" Quarters: "quarters" → "Q" Years: "years" → "y" Click the link below to view all time units. | |
Date Add | Introduction Adds a fixed time interval to the specified date. Parameter Description date: is the specified date. This function will add a certain time interval to this date. count: is the time interval, supports input of numbers with positive and negative signs. If it is a positive number, it means adding a few days (custom time unit), see example one; if it is a negative number, it means reducing a few days, see example two; units: is the time unit, i.e., the unit for adding the time interval. For example, calculating by "days" can also be converted to calculating by "years". Time units include the following symbols, both formats can be used: "Unit Description" → "Abbreviation" Milliseconds: "milliseconds" → "ms" Seconds: "seconds" → "s" Minutes: "minutes" → "m" Hours: "hours" → "h" Days: "days" → "d" Weeks: "weeks" → "w" Months: "months" → "M" Quarters: "quarters" → "Q" Years: "years" → "y" Click the link below to view all time units. | |
Datetime Diff | Returns the difference between two dates (with positive and negative), i.e., date1 minus date2. 【date1】Date 1 【date2】Date 2 【units】is the time unit, i.e., the unit for calculating the difference between date1 and date2. For example, calculating by "days" can also be converted to calculating by "years". Time units include the following symbols, both formats can be used: "Unit Description" → "Abbreviation" Milliseconds: "milliseconds" → "ms" Seconds: "seconds" → "s" Minutes: "minutes" → "m" Hours: "hours" → "h" Days: "days" → "d" Weeks: "weeks" → "w" Months: "months" → "M" Quarters: "quarters" → "Q" Years: "years" → "y" Click the link below to view all time units. | |
Workday | Returns the date after a specified number of working days from the start date. 【startDate】is the specified start date. 【numDays】is the number of working days after the start date, represented by a positive number. For example, the number "1" represents the date one working day after the start date, see example one; 【holidays】optional. These are specific dates to be excluded from the calendar, such as holidays. The input format is "yyyy-mm-dd", with multiple dates separated by commas, see example three. This function does not include weekends and the specific dates you specify. | |
Workday Diff | Counts the number of workdays between two dates (can be positive or negative). 【startDate】Start date. 【endDate】End date. If the start date is later than the end date, the result will be negative. 【holidays】Optional. Dates to be excluded from the work calendar, such as holidays. The input format is "yyyy-mm-dd", with multiple dates separated by commas. This function counts the workdays between the start and end dates, excluding weekends and specified dates. | |
Is After | Compares if date1 is later than date2. Returns true if it is, otherwise false. 【date1】Date 1. 【date2】Date 2. Dates can be input parameters, as in example one; Dates can also be referenced date fields, as in example two. In cells, true and false are represented as "checked" and "unchecked". | |
Is Before | Compares if date1 is earlier than date2. Returns true if it is, otherwise false. 【date1】Date 1. 【date2】Date 2. Dates can be input parameters, as in example one; Dates can also be referenced date fields, as in example two. In cells, true and false are represented as "checked" and "unchecked". | |
Is Same | Determines if date1 is equal to date2. Returns true if it is, otherwise false. 【date1】Date 1. 【date2】Date 2. 【units】Optional, the unit of time to compare. For example, to compare if two dates are equal up to the minute. Dates can be input parameters, as in example one; Dates can also be referenced date fields, as in example four. In cells, true and false are represented as "checked" and "unchecked". Click the link below to see all time units. | |
Datetime Format | Formats a date as text in a custom format. 【date】The date to be formatted. 【output_specifier】The format specifier. For example: "DD-MM-YYYY" means "day-month-year", see example one; "YYYY / MM / DD" means "year/month/day", see example two; "MM.DD" means "", see example three. After formatting, the date becomes a string. For supported date format specifiers, see the link below. | |
Datetime Parse | Converts text to a structured date type. 【date】The text to be formatted as a date. 【input_format】Optional, the date format specifier. For text date content that the system cannot recognize, you can interpret it as a structured date. See example two. For supported date format specifiers and locales, see the link below. | |
Datestr | Formats a date as text in the "year-month-day" format (fixed format as YYYY-MM-DD). 【date】The date to be formatted. After formatting, the date becomes a string and no longer has date data properties. | |
Timestr | Formats a date as text in the "hour:minute:second" format (fixed format as HH:mm:ss). 【date】The date to be formatted. After formatting, the date becomes a string and no longer has date data properties. | |
Year | Returns the four-digit year corresponding to the specified date. 【date】The specified date. | |
Month | Returns the month corresponding to the specified date. 【date】The specified date. The output value of this function is an integer between 1 (January) and 12 (December). | |
Weekday | Returns the day of the week corresponding to the specified date. 【date】The specified date. 【startDayOfWeek】Optional, the start day of the week. By default, each week starts on Sunday (i.e., Sunday is 0). You can also set the start day to "Monday" (Monday, see example two). The output value of this function is an integer between 0 and 6. | |
Weeknum | Returns the week number of the year for a given date. 【date】The specified date. 【startDayOfWeek】Optional, the start day of the week. By default, each week starts on Sunday (i.e., Sunday is 0). You can also set the start day to "Monday". The output of this function is an integer. For example, 6 means the date falls in the 6th week of the year. | |
Day | Returns the day of the month for a given date, output as an integer between 1 and 31. 【date】The specified date. For example, the number 1 means the date is the 1st day of the month. | |
Hour | Returns the hour of the day for a given date, output as an integer between 0 (12:00 am) and 23 (11:00 pm). 【date】The specified date. For example, 18 means 18:00. | |
Minute | Returns the minute of the hour for a given date, output as an integer between 0 and 59. 【date】The specified date. | |
Second | Returns the second of the minute for a given date, output as an integer between 0 and 59. 【date】The specified date. | |
Set Locale | Sets a specific locale for the given date and time. 【date】The specified date. 【locale_modifier】The locale specifier. This function must be used with DATETIME_FORMAT. Click the link below to see supported locale specifiers. | |
Set Timezone | Sets a specific timezone for the given date. 【date】The specified date. 【tz_identifier】The timezone specifier. For example, "8" represents UTC+8, "-2" represents UTC-2. This function must be used with DATETIME_FORMAT. | |
Created Time | Returns the creation time of the record. | |
Last Modified Time | Returns the last modified time of each cell in a row. Note: The system only returns the modification time for cells in computed columns. If you are only interested in the update time of specific fields, you can specify one or more columns, as shown in examples two and three. | |
Array Compact | Removes empty strings and null values from an array. 【item】Represents array values, such as cell values of multi-select, attachment, magic link, and magic reference field types. This function will retain "false" values and strings with blank characters. | |
Array Unique | Returns only the unique items in an array. 【item】Represents array values, such as cell values of multi-select, attachment, magic link, and magic reference field types. | |
Array Join | Concatenates all values in an array into a single string with a delimiter. 【item】Represents array values, such as cell values of multi-select, attachment, magic link, and magic reference field types. | |
Array Flatten | Flattens an array by removing any nested arrays. All data becomes elements of the same array. 【item】Represents array values, such as cell values of multi-select, attachment, magic link, and magic reference field types. | |
Count | Counts the number of "number" type values. 【number】Can be input parameters or referenced columns. This function can count how many numeric values (numbers, currency, percentages, ratings) are in the input parameters or cell. | |
CountA | Counts the number of non-empty values. 【textOrNumber】Can be input parameters or referenced columns. This function can count how many non-empty values are in the input parameters or cell. For example, it can count how many options, pictures, or members are in a cell. It can also count the non-empty values in an array in a magic reference cell. | |
CountIf | Counts the number of times a keyword appears in values. values: Specifies where to look for data. Supports array or text type data. keyword: The keyword to search for and count. operation: Comparison operator, optional. You can enter condition symbols greater than ">", less than "<", equal to "=", not equal to "!=". If not filled, the default is equal to. In example one, no comparison operator is filled, so it counts the number of values equal to "A". In example two, the comparison operator ">" is filled, meaning it counts the number of values greater than "2". Use cases: 1) It can count the number of times the character "A" appears in a text array [A, B, C, D, A], as shown in example one. 2) It can count the number of numbers greater than 3 in a number array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], as shown in example two. 3) It can count the number of times "grape" appears in a text string "Eat grapes without spitting out the skins", as shown in example three. | |
CountAll | Counts the number of all values, including empty values. 【textOrNumber】Can be input parameters or referenced columns. This function can count how many values, including empty values, are in the input parameters or cell. | |
Record ID | Returns the ID of the record |